Project 03
Electronics Production: PCB (printed circuit board) Fabrication
- Objective:
To design a PCB and stuff it with stuffing components like microcontroller, resistor, capacitor, voltage regulator, pin headers etc.
- Materials:
(a) CAM software (MOD);(b) FR1 board & PCB milling machine Roland SRM-20; (c) End mills (1/64 for tracing and 1/32 for cutting); (d) Soldering instrument; (e) Flux; (f) Stuffing components to make the programming board.
- Fabrication:
At first, I downloaded the two PNG images (for traces and cutting) and used them subsequently one-after-the-another to first trace the conductive tracks and then cut the designed board. Next step involved stuffing the electronic
components using the soldering and associated apparatus.
- Fabrication Mishaps:
(a) I was supposed to use the 1/64 end-mill for the tracing and 1/32 end-mill for the cutting. However, I mistakenly used 1/32 or both as it can seen on the last image.
(b) I mistakenly sodered the 6-pin header incorrectly which could produce short-circuit. So, I produced another one and placed a kapton tape beneath it before sodering.
(c) I burnt few places of my finger as well (as seen in the third image, starting from left). So I have to be very cautious while soldering.
(d) While taping the PCB board on top of the sacrificial layer, my taping wasn't strong. So it ended up improper milling of traces on the PCB- a waste of time and materials.
Media associated with the project